Tuesday, January 02, 2007

East Bay shut out of Chronicle top new restaurants 2006

Reading Michael Bauer's top 10 new restaurants list for 2006, I noticed that not one East Bay restaurant made the cut.

This is interesting if for no other reason than the fact that San Francisco Magazine named three East Bay restaurants to the top 10 list it published in August.

Of course, two of those three, Pizzaiolo and Sea Salt, were reviewed by the Chronicle in 2005 and thus ineligible this year, and one (Pizzaiolo) even made the paper's top 10 list for 2005. (The third is Tamarindo, which garnered two Chronicle stars in April.)

Maybe the East Bay pipeline has grown a bit dry this year. I certainly can't think of any late-year openings that would be good shortlist candidates for 2007 in Berkeley, Oakland or Alameda.



Anonymous said...

I also noticed the lack of East Bay restaurants in the Chron.'s top 10. I keep hearing a rumor about another Chez chef opening a restaurant in Oakland. Know anything about it? Something to look forward to in 2007. And...love the blog.

January 04, 2007 4:28 PM  
Ryan said...

Thanks! Know nothing, will ask around, but hey mightn't it be bigger news if a Chez chef of some sort *wasn't* on the prowl to open her own place? It's constant. Seriously though, thanks for the tip.

January 10, 2007 7:16 PM  

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